Ferne is a renowned reality TV star who rose to notoriety and wealth. Her birthplace was in Brentford England on the 6th August 1990. Ferne was worth a net of approximately $5 Million as when she was born on June 1st, 2023. Samantha Faiers was a great friend of Ferne's and they have formed an enduring relationship. The Only Way Is Essex is her most popular character. The Fashionable Foodie is her blog as well as an acting career. Her followers include over 750,000 followers on Twitter and over 2,6 million Instagram users. Gilly Mccann, the actresses mom is from Essex England. She was part of The cast in The Only Way Is Essex alongside her partner She was born in Essex England to Gilly McCann. She was a part of The Only Way Is Essex with her boyfriend of six years Charlie Sims. Along with her former boyfriend Arthur Collins, she has one daughter named Sunday. They were engaged for six months. She with her ex-boyfriend Arthur Collins had a baby in the same room.
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