Aurora Carbonell

Aurora Carbonell's birthday was August 14 the 14th of August, 1976. She was 47 at her birthday. Aurora Carbonell has a Life Path Number of 9 according to numerology. She is a famous tv actress. Spanish actress best known for her part on El Comisario Hospital Central as well as El Secreto de Puente Viejo. She is also known for her role as Lorena in the 2003 feature film Mas de mil camaras velan for your safety. The Life Path number 9 person is on an unending search for growth and experience. Aurora Carbonell is one of nine Life Path 9 people who is always eager to expand their knowledge, participate in deep conversations, and try the new. The actress has collaborated with Peter Lindbergh. In September 2019 she posted an image of him on Instagram. Candace Cameron-Bure Tia Mowry Sarah Paulson and Tamera Mowry were her friends as well.

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